Delegation of Immigration Authority, Section 287 (g) Immigration and Nationality Act




Martin, Veronica I.

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Law Enforcement Management Institute of Texas (LEMIT)



In order to combat crime in the most effective and efficient way, law enforcement must look at all criminal types in local jurisdictions. Criminal aliens pose a larger threat today in local communities not only in the crimes they commit but also in the cost of adjudication. Because of this, local law enforcement agencies should cooperate with ICE under Section 287 (g). Public safety is every agency’s responsibility and local police must work with federal agencies to keep all citizens safe on a local and national level. Local agencies form task forces that involve several local departments as well as federal partners. This creates a force multiplier where several different departments are combining to form a force multiplier for the mission they are trying to accomplish. Although there could be some financial burden initially to the local agency, the cost to society both financially and criminally would outweigh any initial outlay by the local agency. Research has also shown that there are no major negative impacts on local communities because of this cooperation between local police and the federal immigration agencies (Center for Immigration Studies, 2013). By allowing the expansion of the 287 (g) program, this will assist both federal and local agencies in combatting the criminal and financial issues of the criminal alien.


Illegal aliens, Immigration enforcement--United States

