Promoting Student Learning About Premarital Predictors of Later Marital Success Through Formal Writing




Randall, G. Kevin

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Family Science Review


This paper focuses on a revision of a semester-long formal writing assignment based on the first family life education content area (see NCFR), Families and Individuals in Societal Contexts, particularly courtship and marital choice. Many students were not completing this assignment that addresses an important developmental process: dating, courting, and choosing a life partner. Incorporating known pedagogical principles from the writing-to-learn literature, the assignment’s revision included developing four components required throughout the semester. The research-based principles behind the revision included interactive writing processes, meaning-making writing tasks, and clear writing expectations. Student completion rates of a majority of the four components, anonymous Individual Development and Educational Assessment (IDEA) qualitative comments, and anecdotal interactions with the instructor supported revision. The assignment, assessment, and grading rubrics are included for others to consider and to revise for their classroom use.


This article was originally published by Family Science Review


premarital predictors, marital success, writing-to-learn


Randall, G. K. (2021) Promoting Student Learning about Premarital Predictors of Later Marital Success through Formal Writing. Family Science Review, 25(1), 2-17.