Tattooing :its relevance as a predictor of psycho
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Purpose: It was the purpose of this study to determine whether differences in psychological and social stability could be detected between tattooed and non-tattooed prisoners in the Texas Department of Corrections. The following variables were used as indicators of these differences: 1. Scores obtained on the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory. 2. Type of offense committed. 3. Previous addiction to heroin. 4. Number of divorces. 5. Number of mental commitments. 6. Number of residences. 7. Number of other than honorable discharges from the military. 8. Number of previous arrests. Method: All data used in this study were gathered from the permanent record files in the Administration Building of the Texas Department of Corrections. The subjects used were a random sample of all inmates who had been given the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory are the Diagnostic Unit at Huntsville. The M.M.P.I. is administered routinely to all new inmates who score 6.0 or above in educational achievement as measured by the Gray-Votaw-Rogers test. From a total of 12,000 inmates presently incarcerated, 221 were selected for the present study. Findings: Based upon the evidence presented in this study, the following conclusions are presented: 1. No difference in over-all psychological maladjustment exists between tattooed and non-tattooed inmates as measured by the M.M.P.I. 2. No differences in elevation on any of the nine clinical scales of the M.M.P.I. could be found between tattooed and non-tattooed subjects. 3. The non-tattooed subjects had a significantly greater number of scores elevated above T-70 on the Hypomania scale. 4. A significantly greater number of tattooed subjects had previously been addicted to heroin. 5. No differences existed between the tattooed and non-tattooed groups on dumber of divorces, number of mental health commitments, number of previous arrests, and number of residences. 6. A significantly greater number of non-tattooed subjects had been convicted of sex offences. 7. The tattooed subjects showed a significantly greater number of convictions for burglary and larceny. 8. The tattooed group had more other than honorable discharges from the military than the non-tattooed group.