Exploring the Link Between AMPD Criteria and Racial Discrimination and Microaggressions



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As overt discrimination is becoming less tolerated in the United States, covert discrimination still persists and has been associated with decreased quality of life due to its impact on mental health (Douds and Hout, 2020). More common forms of covert discrimination have been termed ‘microaggressions’ which represent subtle, automatic statements or behaviors which, consciously or unconsciously, communicate a rudeness, slight, or invalidation of minoritized individuals (Pierce, 1970; Sue et al., 2007). Previous research has identified associations between microaggressions and discrimination to the presence of internalizing symptoms such as depression, anxiety, and trauma symptoms (Lui & Quezada, 2019). Some research has identified mediating factors in the relationship between microaggression, discrimination, and mental health symptoms. For instance, Latino/a adults with higher self-efficacy and ethnic-identity stability had lower rates of association between experiences of ethnic microaggressions and traumatic stress symptoms (Torres & Taknint, 2015). While this study highlighted how identity is connected to discrimination, limited research is available on the associations between microaggressions, discrimination and other personality pathology components. The proposed study seeks to identify associations between frequency of experienced microaggressions and discrimination and personality pathology aligning with the Alternative Model for Personality Disorders (AMPD). Self-report survey data from 255 minoritized undergraduate students was used to identify bivariate associations. I hypothesize greater frequency of microaggression and discrimination experiences as well as increased trauma symptoms from discrimination would be associated with higher personality impairment (Criterion A of the AMPD) and elevated severity in maladaptive personality traits (Criterion B of the AMPD).



Psychology, Clinical
