A typological investigation: patterns of criminal behavior




Driskell, John Arlen,1939-

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Sam Houston State University


The purpose of this study was to explore the typologies of Marshal B. Clinard and Richard Quinney. They have outlined their typologies in their book Criminal Behavior Systems Their classification which was developed from the study of various criminal behavior patterns has emerged into the following typologies: Violent Personal Criminal Behavior' Occasional Property Criminal Behavior Public Order Criminal Behavior Conventional Criminal Behavior Political Criminal Behavior- Occupational Criminal Behavior Corporate Criminal Behavior Professional Criminal Behavior Organized Crime These nine typologies have all been subjected to five theoretical dimensions. These are legal aspects of selected offenses, criminal career of the offender, group support of criminal behavior, correspondence between criminal and legitimate behavior and social reaction and legal processing. It was the object of this study to affirm Clinard and Quinney's theory by using actual behavior patterns of convicted felons for five of the most common criminal typologies.



Typology (Psychology), Criminal Psychology, Criminal Behavior
