Montague, Mary Ella2022-10-072022-10-0719701970 Augus purpose of this study was to study the plays of Tennessee Williams in order to identify the basic recurring themes throughout the plays, and then to explore each of these themes in relation to their choreographic possibilities. The findings of the investigator are evidenced in the present written form and were projected into an extended dance production choreographed, designed, and staged in concert. The study was based exclusively on Tennessee Williams’ full-length plays. The investigator read all of the full-length plays of the well-known playwright, Tennessee Williams, and reviewed others of his works such as short stories, one-act plays, and poems. From the themes found in Williams’ plays, five recurring themes were identified and used as basis for choreography. The findings were organized into the prescribed thesis form and included the following relevant information concerning the presentation of the dance: (1) selection of the themes (2) selection of the personnel (3) selection of music (4) development of choreography (5) selection of costume (6) staging and lighting of the dance work. Summary and Evaluation: The study was concerned with the use of themes recurrent in Tennessee Williams’ plays as basis for choreography. The written substantiation presented was limited to the following areas: (1_ extended plays of Tennessee Williams (2) the appropriateness for choreography of recurring themes of Tennessee Williams (3) mixing of various art mediums. The investigation resulted in an extended dance production choreographed by the investigator. The description of the dance was limited to: (1) selection of themes (2) selection of personnel (3) selection of music (4) development of choreography (5) selection of costume (6) staging and lighting of the dance work.application/pdfenChoreographyDance--Production and directionThemes of plays by Tennessee Williamsmixing art mediumsThe use of themes derived from plays by Tennessee Williams as a basis for an original dance productionThesis