Calderhead, William2018-05-312018-05-312017-052017-04-18May 2017 2014, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that 1 in 68 children are diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder, many of whom will be enrolled in ABA therapy at some point in their lives. The Behavior Analyst Certification Board developed the Registered Behavior Technician credential in 2014 to establish training standards for the paraprofessionals who implement ABA treatment plans. Previous research has shown that goal-setting and performance feedback are often successful at effecting behavior change at the organizational level, but little research has been done on the effects of goal-setting and feedback for work-related tasks at the individual level. The present study used self-set goals and graphic feedback to increase efficiency of discrete-trial training provided by RBTs. Results indicated that the participants’ delivery of discrete trials per hour did increase upon intervention, though only two of the four met the final mastery criterion.application/pdfenBehavior techniciansDiscrete-trial teachingGoal-settingFeedbackSam Houston State UniversityGraduate schoolTexasEvaluating self-set goals and performance feedback to increase trials completed by Registered Behavior TechniciansThesis2018-05-31