LEMITTrisler, Wes2020-12-092020-12-092019-09-0120191904https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11875/2883Local police forces are experiencing a crisis concerning available work force to ensure proper police services are provided. Without the proper staffing levels, citizens are left with longer response times, which could ultimately result in the loss of life or property. Law enforcement agencies should implement a reserve police officer program to ensure the safety of their communities. Having a reserve officer program will allow for greater multi-agency response to disasters. The program will also provide an avenue for law enforcement agencies to gain and retain knowledge that reserve officers could provide after retiring from full time law enforcement employment. Community involvement is essential for any successful law enforcement agency. A reserve officer program will provide the community the ability to become directly involved in the policing effort. With the involvement of reserve officers, a law enforcement agency can take advantage of cost savings that overtime can incur. With budgetary issues, the demand for increased police availability and department memory, a reserve officer program makes sense.application-pdfenProduced under the auspices of LEMIT. Quotations from this paper must be cited.Auxiliary policeReserve Police UnitsText