Lyons, Phillip2019-08-202019-08-202018 Honors ThesisThe use of music therapy can be seen in various circumstances, such as a hospital setting, and is proven to be of beneficial use to the participants. Common methods include vocal and instrumental performance, composition, relaxing listening, and lyric analysis. Outcomes for music therapy include, but are not limited to: decrease in anxiety and depression, better control of aggression, relaxation, improvement of motor skills, increase of confidence, and better social skills. One area that does not receive a lot of attention in regards to music therapy is its use in correctional institutions. With the outcomes music therapy has in other settings, it could be of great use in creating a better environment for inmates along with an outlet for the individuals to better themselves. This review aims to determine the effectiveness of music therapy programs within correctional facilities by previous program evaluations.application/pdfenmusic therapycorrectional institutionsJuvenile programsPrison MusicMusic in correctionsThe Impact of Music Therapy Experiments and programs in Correctional Institutions: A Systematic ReviewThesis