Varela, Jorge G.2019-08-152019-08-152019-082018-12-03August 201 psychopathy typically has been considered a relatively uniform construct, a growing recent research suggests that psychopathy can be disaggregated into primary and secondary variants, and there may diverse expression of psychopathic traits across individuals. This research, however, has been largely limited to North American and European males. Little research has examined the variants of psychopathy among individuals from different (i.e., non-Western) ethnicities and cultural backgrounds. This study will examine whether variants of psychopathy can be identified in Korean adult male offenders (N = 451) using latent profile analysis. This study will contribute to a need to explore the generalizability of the construct of psychopathy across cultures.application/pdfenPsychopathyVariants of psychopathyKorean offendersPCL-RLatent variable analysisVARIANTS OF PSYCHOPATHY AMONG KOREAN MALE OFFENDERSThesis2019-08-15