Fischer, Harold J2022-10-072022-10-0719721972 Augus and social values can be attained in sports competition, but these objectives are not automatic, and to a great degree, they depend upon leadership. The fundamental function of the physical educator is to understand each students needs in order to give him adequate guidance and to adapt programs to meet his needs. The role of sports is more important today than it has ever been in the history of athletics. Our lives are characterized by automation, increased leisure time, space exploration, scientific discoveries, and increased tensions. High school football can make a valuable contribution to physical fitness, skillful performance, ability to relax, and promotes sound values. The competition of games and contests offered through the sport of football furnish opportunities for self-discovery, self-expression, self-acceptance, and self-discipline. Football is one field in which the circumstances of birth, color, race, and creed are disregarded and the individual is measured by performance and deed. To achieve the desired outcomes of football requires effective leadership, appropriate activities, good organization, and sound policies within the school system. These outcomes should be based on a sound philosophy of athletics and education. In order to measure the outcomes of the football program, each school system should have an adequate method for keeping records of their achievements. If records are kept in the memory of the coaches only, they will be lost over a period of time in the changing of personnel. In trying to find a record of past football games played by Magnolia High School, it was learned that there was no such information readily available at this school. It was necessary to search the past annuals published by the school and copies of game programs, research old newspapers, and interview the present coach before the information was ascertained. By presenting a chronologue of this information, it will be readily available when needed. This information should be helpful to future coaches at Magnolia High School, as well as to future athletes of Magnolia. This information should also be of interest to the school administration and to the community. This study may also serve as a base to which football data may be added each year.application/pdfenFootball.Magnolia High School, Magnolia, Texas--Footballleadershipguidanceadequate method for keeping recordsThe history of football at Magnolia High SchoolThesis