Lewis, Patrick J.2019-05-152019-05-152018-052018-04-02May 2018https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11875/2609Palacrodon browni, a reptile known from the Early Triassic strata of South Africa, is of uncertain phylogenetic affinities, and its relationships have been argued for over a century. Additionally, its presumed diet is also uncertain. Using computed tomography and the literature, features of the dentition are revealed that indicate Palacrodon is a procolophonid. Furthermore, computed tomography reveals two parallel ridged beneath the teeth of Palacrodon, a unique feature unknown in any other tetrapod. Comparison to the dentition of other taxa and the severe wear seen on the teeth of Palacrodon also indicate that Palacrodon was likely either an herbivore or an omnivore.application/pdfenTriassicKarooSouth AfricapaleontologyprocolophonidsRhynchocephaliaTOOTH IMPLANTATION AND DENTAL MORPHOLOGY OF PALACRODONThesis2019-05-15