Ross, Tommy W.,1926-2024-06-252024-06-251970 purpose of this study was to establish a population profile of the skid row alcoholic in Houston, Texas. It was designed also to point up differences, if any, in the demographic and drinking pattern characteristics between a sample of skid row alcoholics in Houston, and those described in earlier, but similar, studies completed in New Haven, Connecticut in 1945 and 1946, San Francisco, California in 1966, and Los Angeles, California in 1967. Specifically, the aim of the study was to provide those interested in the problem of alcoholism in general, and the rehabilitation and/or resocialization of the skid row alcoholic in particular, research information that might assist them in the furtherance of their efforts and endeavors.en-USTexasAlcohol abuseSkid rowAlcoholismRehabilitationCaliforniaA descriptive study of the skid row alcoholic in Houston, TexasThesis