The use of body worn cameras in law enforcement




Moore, Roy

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Law Enforcement Management Institute of Texas (LEMIT)


Public perception of law enforcement as a whole has changed across the country. With recent events such as the Michael Brown shooting, police practices are now the topic of national debate. The implementation of body worn camera programs is at the forefront of those debates. Police administrators are looking for solutions to regain the public trust and ease tension in their communities. The use of body-worn cameras will assist in reaching these goals. Research shows that the use of body cameras enhances transparency and officer accountability, which reduces citizen complaints and officer use of force. Additionally, video evidence captured by these cameras will assist in building stronger criminal cases. There are pros and cons to implementing a body camera program, but the use of this technology will benefit both the agencies and the public. Programs should be implemented using a strong and well-planned policy. The use of body-worn cameras should be used in law enforcement operations.


Examines the pros and cons to implementing a body camera program and the use of the technology to increase transparency and officer accountability while easing tension in the community.


Wearable video devices, Body cameras

