Body-Worn Cameras: The Silent Partner




El-Halabi, Khalil

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Law Enforcement Management Institute of Texas (LEMIT)


Since the beginning of the 21st century, law enforcement has seen an increased demand for officer accountability. This accountability has been widespread and nationally adopted through the utilization of many new tools including body worn cameras. Law enforcement agencies should ensure every peace officer is equipped with a body-worn camera. These body worn cameras have completely transformed the process of policing from officer-initiated contacts to evidence collections on scenes. The embrace of body worn cameras by the American culture has been a double-edged sword for both the public and law enforcement agencies alike. The debate between privacy of the public and the necessity for transparency creates a natural friction that must be observed, studied, and ultimately overcome. In the past, the word of a law enforcement officer would suffice when attempting to try and convict an individual alleged in a crime, however, in today’s day and age, the trust has been eroded and many juries require some sort of visual documentation. This expectation from many communities has still not been met by several law enforcement departments across the United States to the detriment of the agency and community served. It is through officer training, public education, and other appropriate approaches that the served community can feel confident in the documentation created, while understanding the necessity to maintain privacy during certain scenarios.



Wearable Video Devices in Police Work, Body Cameras

