A study of selected demographic, social and psychological variables related to the vocational rehabilitation of alcoholics in Houston, Texas




Collins, Monty Rue,1932-

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Purpose: The purpose of this study was to ascertain the relationship between selected demographic social and psychological variables and the vocational rehabilitation of alcoholics as defined by the Texas Rehabilitation Commission policy. Examination of selected relationships were considered to be of value in providing objective guidelines in differentiating among clients with their respective needs. It was also hoped that further research and study would result from this data. Methods: The primary sources of the datum for this study were obtained on Texas Rehabilitation Commission clients that were accepted into the Houston Alcoholism Rehabilitation project. This program was funded through a Social and Rehabilitation Service innovation Service innovation grant that began September 1, 1966 and was completed June 30, 1969. The Texas Rehabilitation Commission obtained this grant and the datum was taken from the case records of this Commission’s Houston office. Forty-three variables examined were: Six demographic characteristics, eleven social factors, ten personality factors from the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory, fifteen personality factors from the Edwards Personal Preference Scheduoe, and the verbal I.Q. as measured by the Peabody Verbal I.Q. Test. Secondary sources of information included books, articles, previous research, journals, and agency records. The data were analyzed by relating the 43 variables to indices of rehabilitation outcome between alcoholic clients that were rehabilitated and alcohol clients that were not rehabilitated as defined by Texas Rehabilitation Commission policy. Statistical techniques included chi square, multiple correlation and regression analysis. Findings: Only a few of the large number of diagnostic factors analyzed were found to be related to the clients’ vocational rehabilitation. Furthermore, the majority of these were demographic characteristics, i.e., age, marital status, education, occupation, and primary source of support. Only two variables from the questionnaire of social factors were significantly related to rehabilitation and that was previous group psychotherapy and spouse participation in the project. Of the teats, only the Peabody Verbal I.Q. was related to a statistically significant degree with rehabilitation. None of the numerous categories of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory and the Edward Personal Preference Scale were found to be statistically significant. From the data the following conclusions were drawn: 1. A comparison of the results of this study with data from five other similar studies and a review of the literature indicated that the Houston Alcoholism Rehabilitation Project and this study are unique. 2. Demographic and social factors rather than personality factors appear to have the greatest influence on successful rehabilitation of alcoholic clients. 3. Comparison of diagnosed rehabilitated and not rehabilitated clients in HARP revealed that: The rehabilitated client tended to fall more in the middle age interval of 35 to 54 years of age, have at least nine years of education and no more than three years of college, more likely to have finished high school, have a high verbal I.Q., still married, be self supporting and receive more help from family and friends, have more savings or no support at all, more likely to have previously received group therapy, and believed that his spouse would participate in a rehabilitation program. Conversely, the not rehabilitated client is: younger, less likely to have finished high school, yet more likely to have complete college or attended graduate school, have a lower verbal I.Q., not married, is a blue collar or service worker, not self supporting, has not previously received group psychotherapy, does not believe that his spouse would participate in a rehabilitation program. 4. Rehabilitated clients in HARP were more socially stable in terms of both past and present role performance than the not rehabilitated clients.



