An evaluation of productivity of programs of the Corpus Christi YWCA Intervention Center




Douglas, J. Brendonly Cunningham,1933-

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Sam Houston State University


The objectives of this study were: (1) to determine the number of young female offenders that have been served by the Corpus Christi YWCA Intervention Program; (2) critique the kinds of programs being presented to these youth; (3) find the number having completed the program, and the number that are leading non-criminal lives, after having completed the program (the known number); (4) to show the number of female delinquents that have been kept out of detention and remained intact with the family through family counseling from the Center; (5) how many "peers" (friends or relatives of the delinquents) have been served by the program; (6) the approximate amount of money the Juvenile Department has been able to use for more serious types of problems by referring these female offenders to the YWCA Intervention Program, rather than the usual detention jail or prison route; and (7) to determine which programs are most effective and to learn what the response has been.



Female juvenile delinquents, Social work with criminals
