Oral History Interview: Ed Mach




Erazo, Susana

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We are offered a glimpse into the TRA through Ed Mach’s growth, longevity, and career path as an operator. During his time at the TRA, he has been a part of administrative and technological advancements. He has also become well educated on water treatment systems and the impact his work has on the organization and externally on their customer cities and the Trinity River. He recalls his time, bonds, and opportunities at the TRA with great fondness and pride as he has been able to serve communities, assist in-system plants, and act as a steward of the environment. Through the opportunities that the authority offers for operators to continue their educations and acquire certifications, there is an active cultivation of existing employees rather than outsourcing pre-trained individuals. This cultivation of their employees earns the authority of a workforce that is willing and eager to commit to their teams, plants, and resources to accomplish long-term goals and resolve emergencies. Flooding incidents due to construction mishaps, natural phenomena, or incidents within the contract cities affect the treatment plants and facilities, however, the TRA’s system has procedures in place to facilitate emergency repairs and volunteer groups to assist other plants and facilities within the networks. Transformations of the treatment phases, as well as pilot studies, have been conducted from the time that the authority was first established to where it is now. For instance, from treating water with chlorine to using a UV light for disinfection to the removal of phosphorus. There have been drawbacks and successes with the equipment and processes that the plants use to treat waste water, protect the environment and their employees. The wastewater plants along with the water systems under the TRA were all engineered to flow as naturally as possible from creeks to river basins to lakes under the authority’s care. Ed has had the opportunity to experience and develop his friendships and position on the team at the 10 Mile Creek Wastewater Plant. He describes the working environment at the TRA as one where workers aim to stay and grow their involvement and knowledge. This can be seen through his growth at the TRA, more specifically at 10 Mile Creek. He started as an operator in 1979 and from there has grown and taken on roles such as chief operator, operation maintenance chief, and now manager since 1997.


Oral history interview of Ed Mach about his work at the Trinity River Authority


Trinity River Authority, 10 Mile Creek, Water Treatment plant, waste water
