A comparative study: two training programs for mentally retarded adults




Pugh, Michael P.,1947-

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Purpose The purpose of this study was to conduct a descriptive comparison of two existing training facilities for mentally retarded adults. The two facilities are operating to provide the mentally retarded adult with the necessary work habits and social skills which will enable him to become a working, contributing member of his community. Harris County Center for the Retarded, Inc., which is located near downtown Houston, Texas, has chosen the sheltered workshop approach as its means of training the mentally retarded adult. Melwood Horticultural Training Center, Inc., which is located in a rural suburban area near Washington, D.C., trains its clients by the use of horticultural therapy. Methods A review of the literature concerning training programs for mentally retarded adults and specifically concerning the two types of approaches utilized by the agencies was conducted. The areas of interest, i.e., operation, financial aspects, and goals were identified and specific questions concerning each were developed. In order to obtain the necessary information, the operation of each agency was personally viewed and individual interviews were conducted with various personnel at each agency. Findings Even though obvious differences do exist between the two agencies in regard to the approach taken, i.e., geographic location and size of the client population, the operation, financial aspects, and goals of each are essentially the same. Two significant differences were determined through this study. First, the client/staff ratio for Harris County Center for the Retarded, Inc. is 8.83:1 and for Melwood Horticultural Center, Inc. the ratio is 2.77:1. Second, the cost per day of training a client for Harris County Center for the Retarded, Inc. is $8.90 and for Melwood Horticultural Training Center, Inc., the cost is $15.87. In conclusion, it was determined that each agency provides the mentally retarded adult with the opportunity to become a working, contributing member of his community.



People with mental disabilities--Rehabilitation--United States, Sheltered workshops, Gardening--Therapeutic use
