Interpreting Compensatory Acid-Base Disturbances in Arterial Blood Gases




Ramirez, Minerva, Osteopathic Medical Student
Ju, Diane, Osteopathic Medical Student
Yates, Christopher, Osteopathic Medical Student
Loomis, Mario, Associate Professor Clinical Anatomy
Alvarez, Diego F, Professor Physiology and Pharmacology

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In this episode of the Loomis-Alvarez Medical Video Series, we present a systematic approach for a critical interpretation of compensatory acid-base disturbances in Arterial Blood Gases (ABGs). In this video, we will decipher compensatory acid-base disturbances in arterial blood gases, a skill that helps diagnose and manage critical conditions. We will follow a systematic approach, first identifying if there is acidemia or alkalemia by looking at the pH. Then, we will determine the primary culprit – is it a respiratory issue reflected in the pCO2, or a metabolic problem evident in the HCO3- level? The fun part comes next: analyzing the compensatory response. Did the body attempt to adjust the pH with the respiratory system (by altering CO2) or with the metabolic system (through HCO3- changes)? By following this step-by-step analysis, our peers will walk you through the intricacies of making a proper diagnosis of the primary disorder and also understand how the body is trying to maintain and/or regain balance. This knowledge is key to making informed treatment decisions for your patients. Join us on this educational journey as we unravel the mysteries of acid-base disturbances in ABGs. Join us on this educational voyage as we demystify the complexities of acid-base disturbances in ABGs.


Join us on this educational journey as we unravel the mysteries of acid-base disturbances in ABGs with this Loomis-Alvarez Video Series episode! Designed by and for medical students, this video guides viewers through clinical cases involving acid-base disturbances. Become a master in interpreting acid-base compensatory compensatory mechanisms and widen your understanding of acid-base homeostasis and abnormalities. This work has been crafted with the support of Jacob Rivas for video editing. ©2024 CC-BY-NC-ND


arterial blood gases interpretation, acid-base disorders, ABGs compensatory mechanisms, Step-by-step acid-base interpretation, acid-base balance


Ramirez M, Ju D, Yates C, Loomis M, Alvarez DF. Interpreting Compensatory Acid-Base Disturbances in Arterial Blood Gases. Scholarly Works @ SHSU. 2024.