Conference on Medieval and Renaissance Thought; 2016

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The 2nd International Conference on Medieval and Renaissance Thought, hosted by SHSU’s College of Humanities and Social Sciences in 2016.


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    Plenary Address: Dr. Caroline Bruzelius, The Cathedral and the Medieval City
    (2016-04) Bruzeliu, Caroline; Hill, Darcy; Plamer, John
    The following video contains Dr. Caroline Bruzelius’ Plenary Address to the 2016 Second International Conference on Medieval and Renaissance Thought at Sam Houston State University. Her presentation, “The Cathedral and the Medieval City,” is prefaced with opening remarks by Sam Houston State University Provost Dr. Jaime Hebert and Conference Director Dr. Darci Hill.
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    Biblical Narrative, Christian Rhetoric, and Issues in Translation
    (2016-04) Finney, Donna; Cargile, Carolyn; Shay, Regina; Hill, Darcy; Plamer, John
    The following video contains the session entitled “Biblical Narrative, Christian Rhetoric, and Issues in Translation” from the 2016 Second International Conference on Medieval and Renaissance Thought at Sam Houston State University. The papers presented in this session are “The Significance of Mary Magdalene in the Story of Jesus” by Donna Finney, “Christian Rhetoric and Thought in Orderic Vitails’ Historia Ecclesiastica” by Carolyn Cargile, and “Fortune, Friend, and Foe”: The Case for a New Modern Translation of Summer Sunday” by Reina Shay Broussard.
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    King Arthur and the Bard in Popular Culture and Young Adult Literature
    (2016-04) Dowdey, Diane; Echols, Katherine; Sherman, Echols; Hill, Darcy; Plamer, John
    The following video contains the session entitled “King Arthur and the Bard in Popular Culture and Young Adult Literature” from the 2016 Second International Conference on Medieval and Renaissance Thought at Sam Houston State University. The papers presented in this session are “#Shakespeare” by Diane Dowdey, “Superman Meets the Klan, an American Radio Adaptation of Arthurian Legend: The Adventures of Superman and the ‘Knights of the White Carnation”’ by Katherine Echols, and “Resurrecting King Arthur: An Exploration of King Arthur’s Legend in Popular Young Adult Literature” by Brittani Sherman.
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    Old English Literature and Renaissance Drama
    (2016-04) Smith, Ryan; Probasco, Deseree; Hill, Dracy; Plamer, John
    The following video contains the session entitled “Old English Literature and Renaissance Drama” from the 2016 Second International Conference on Medieval and Renaissance Thought at Sam Houston State University. The papers presented in this session are "'Heaven swallowed the smoke ‘~The Shaping of Heaven, Hell, and the Hall in Beowulf “ by Deseree Probasco, and “Shifting Philosophies: Prospero from Medieval Servant to Renaissance Master” by Ryan Smith
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    Explorations in Military and Ecclesiastical History
    (2016-04) Early, James; Lungociu, Kim; Sherer, Idan; Hill, Darcy; Plamer, John
    The following video contains the session entitled “Explorations in Military and Ecclesiastical History” from the 2016 Second International Conference on Medieval and Renaissance Thought at Sam Houston State University. The papers presented in this session are “The Rise and Fall of the New Smyrna Colony” by James Early, “Debating Clerical Celibacy from Augustine to Luther” by Kim Lungociu, and “Joseph ha-Kohen, Humanist Historiography and Military History” by Idan Sherer.
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    The Tropes in Beowulf and Renaissance Iconography
    (2016-04) Davis, David; Thornburg, John; Hill, Dracy; Plamer, John
    This video contains the following presentations from the 2016 Second International Conference on Medieval and Renaissance Thought at Sam Houston State University: “Christ Jesus is an Idol: Catholic Rhetoric in the Early Modern Image Debate” by David Davis, and “The Tropes of Beowulf as Revealed by Aristotle, Tolkien, and Deep Case Roles” by John Thornburg.
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    Art Meets Literature: Illustrated Manuscripts, Psalters, Hymns
    (2016-04) Hand, Joni; Palmer, John; Hill, Darcy; Plamer, John
    The following video contains the session entitled “Art Meets Literature: Illustrated Manuscripts, Psalters, Hymns” from the 2016 Second International Conference on Medieval and Renaissance Thought at Sam Houston State University. The papers presented in this session are “Playing by the Rules, Monastic Orders and Religious Identity in the Psalter of Bonne of Luxembourg” by Joni Hand and “Hymn as Poetry: Charles Wesley’s Religious Influence and Rhetorical Excellence” by John Palmer.
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    Anglo Saxon Literature, the Tower of Babel, and Charlemagne the Great
    (2016-04) Meritt, Shadow; Wood, Barry; Hill, Darcy; Plamer, John
    The following video contains the session entitled “Anglo Saxon Literature, the Tower of Babel, and Charlemagne the Great” from the 2016 Second International Conference on Medieval and Renaissance Thought at Sam Houston State University. The papers presented in this session are “From Ruin to Redemption: King Alfred and the Tower of Babel Narrative” by Shadow Meritt, and “Charlemagne the Great and King Arthur: Literary Uses of Trojan Ancestry, Gospel Discipleship, and Christian Relic in Medieval and English Kingship Cycles” by Barry Wood.
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    Medieval and Renaissance Philosophy: Human Knowledge, Action and Contemplation
    (2016-04) Sylvia, Olga; Wells, Thomas; Bruster, Bernadette; Hill, Darcy; Plamer, John
    The following video contains the session entitled “Medieval and Renaissance Philosophy: Human Knowledge, Action, and Contemplation” from the 2016 Second International Conference on Medieval and Renaissance Thought at Sam Houston State University. The papers presented in this session are “In Quest of the Definition of Knowledge: The Question of Human Rationality Versus Animals’ Ignorance in Montaigne’s Essay Apologie de Raymond Sebonde” by Olga Sylvia, “Thomas Aquinas: Christian Conscience and Human Action” by Thomas Wells, and “Ignatian Meditation in the Sonnets of William Shakespeare” by Bernadette Bruster.
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    Essays on Chaucer, Boccaccio, and Shakespeare
    (2016-04) Faden, Allie; Grant, Rebecca; Greenwood, Cynthia; Hill, Darcy; Plamer, John
    The following video contains the session “Essays on Chaucer, Boccaccio, and Shakespeare” from the 2016 Second International Conference on Medieval and Renaissance Thought at Sam Houston State University. The papers presented in this session are “The Audience Sets the Tone: Voice in Parliament of Fowles and The Squire’s Tale” by Allie Faden, “Feminism and The Decameron: Boccaccio’s Exploration of Gender Equality” by Rebecca Grant, and “Exploring the Bawdy Court Ethos in Measure for Measure’s Design: Putting the Church Court’s Newly Stringent Laws Governing Sex and Betrothal on Trial” by Cynthia Greenwood.
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    Issues in Renaissance Theater and Medieval Spanish Poetry
    (2016-04) Thorpe, Benjamin; Christian, Sara; Andrist, Debra; Hill, Darcy; Plamer, John
    The following video contains the session entitled “Issues in Renaissance Theater and Medieval Spanish Poetry” from the 2016 Second International Conference on Medieval and Renaissance Thought at Sam Houston State University. The papers presented in this session are "The Ape as Avatar: A Study of Material Transformation in Medieval Manuscripts" by Benjamin Thorpe, “Sixteenth Century Scotland: Blood! Bagpipes! Theatre?” by Sara Christian, and “Insult to Injury: Incest in Medieval Spanish Poetry” by Debra Andrist.