Home Economics in Higher Education: Enhancing Student Learning and Promoting Responsible Student Behavior




Randall, Kevin G.
Dallmeyer, Martha A.
Collins, Nina

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International Journal of Home Economics


Numerous challenges exist for Home Economics/Family and Consumer Sciences Departments and their universities. For universities, one challenge is the promotion of responsible social behavior by students, especially in light of the abuse and overconsumption of alcohol so often associated with the new found freedoms on campus. For HE/FCS Departments, high construction costs and maintenance expenses associated with a quantity foods laboratory often result in food service students working at various sites off campus to gain needed experience, leading to lack of consistency in student experience and reduced oversight by faculty. This paper illustrates how HE/FCS food service courses can benefit not only the department and its majors, but also can support and strengthen the university’s comprehensive alcohol action plan—ultimately enhancing the educational experience for students university wide.


This article was published by the International Journal of Home Economics


HE/FCS Department, promotion of responsible social behavior, overconsumption of alcohol, comprehensive alcohol plan


Dallmeyer, M., Randall, G. K., & Collins, N. (2008). Home economics in higher education: Enhancing student learning and promoting responsible student behavior. International Journal of Home Economics, 1(2), 3-9, http://www.ifhe.org/47.html
