The Texas Commission on Interracial Cooperation
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Purpose: The purpose of the present study was to trace the history of the Texas Commission on Interracial Cooperation. Special consideration was given to the contributions of the Commission in its major areas of concern. Methods: The methods used to obtain information for the study were interviews with individuals who were active in the Commission, the examination of correspondence relative to the Commission and the study of the minutes and official records of the organization. Findings: The evidence presented in the present work indicated the following conclusions: 1. The Commission recorded achievement in the field of education. Additional appropriations were secured and improvements were made in Negro schools and colleges. Out-of-state aid was provided to pay tuition and travel for Negro graduate and professional students. Race relation courses were introduced into Texas colleges. 2. The chief contribution of the Commission in the area of health was the work to obtain a hospital for Negro tubercular patents. Negro Health Week, care for the mentally ill, aid for the Negro blind and training or Negroes by the police courts. 3. In the area of criminal justice, the commission fought against the practice of lynching, worked for a home for delinquent Negro girls and urged just treatment for Negroes by the police and courts. 4. The work of the commission resulted in the inclusion of Negroes in the Texas Centennial celebration. 5. Interracial committees were organized in many cities of Texas, resulting in much effective work. 6. The support of churches, chambers of commerce, teachers’ associations and labor unions was obtained for the work of the Commission. 7. The Commission utilized the press effectively and was adroit in securing and utilizing political influence. 8. Prominent men and women of Texas were enlisted in support of the Commission. The organizations leaders included college presidents and professions, doctors, attorneys and others who had distinguished themselves as religious, civic and social leaders.