Department of World Languages & Cultures

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    Integración de literatura y lengua: la enseñanza de cursos básicos de español y la recuperación académica de periódicos hispano-estadounidenses
    (Doblele. Revista de lengua y literatura. 3, 2017-11-30) Lopez, Feu Monserrat M.
    Este artículo examina las posibilidades y los retos de enseñar literatura en la clase de lengua española. Considerando la necesidad de diversificar contenido, este ensayo integra objetivos lingüísticos y humanísticos al describir el pasado con textos literarios recuperados de periódicos estadounidenses
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    Sergio Aragonés Marginalizes Francoism in the Exile Newspaper España Libre (NYC)
    (Camino Real, 2015-01-26) Montse, Feu
    Sergio Aragonés is an award-winning and celebrated Mad Magazine cartoonist whose prolific career includes his bestselling comics Groo the Wanderer and Boogeyman, among others. However, his anti-Francoist cartoons published in the exile newspaper España Libre (1939-1977, NYC) have not been studied. Using an interdisciplinary theoretical approach to humor, I examine the social function of selected cartoons by Aragonés. The drawings, published from 1962 to 1965, exposed the political persecution exerted by Francisco Franco to a global readership. His frontpage cartoons also informed and emotionally sustained the dissenting working-class resistance under the regime and abroad
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    Analysis Report: Survey on the Needs of SHSU’s Hispanic/Latinx Student Population
    (Center for Multicultural and Rural Development, 2021-09-03) French, Leif; Hasler-Barker, Maria; Roberts, Matthew; Artamonova, Tatiana; Feu, Montse; Velasquez, Edna
    The purpose of the CMRD Hispanic/Latinx (HLx) Survey and report is to deepen our understanding of the profile and needs of Sam Houston State University’s (SHSU) unique HLx student population. Rather than extrapolating information about our HLx population from broader demographic data and trends in higher education, we have dedicated resources to collect a comprehensive and detailed survey corpus from nearly 700 SHSU undergraduate and graduate students who self-identify as HLx. The high participant response rate is indicative of this population’s desire for their voices to be heard as a key constituency at SHSU. We are confident that our findings about students’ backgrounds, experiences, and needs will be important to providing the best possible support and services to HLx students as this population continues to grow at SHSU.
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    Feminist Theories of Development in Farida Benlyazid’s Double-Bildung story, La vida perra de Juanita Narboni (2005)
    (Taylor & Francis, 2019-08) Frelier, Jocelyn A.
    Farida Benlyazid’s film, La vida perra de Juanita Narboni (2005), offers viewers a novel iteration of the classic coming-of-age genre. As a film, it lies outside the preferred medium of expression for the genre and it features not one, but two distinct protagonists: Juanita (for whom the story is named) and her city, Tangier. Each half of this double narrative provides a feminist critique of the masculine projects traditionally associated with the Bildung genre. When read as a narrative of development, both the form and content of the film open up the possibility of gendering theories of development. The film’s feminist interventions destabilize the aims of Enlightenment thinking, which produced the Bildung genre, along a three-pronged axis: the film questions the processes that lead to the solidification of national boundaries; it challenges progress-oriented ideals as they relate to time and development; and it dissolves the construct of linguistic purity.
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    Surrogacy: Temporary Familial Bonds and the Bondage of Origins in Fouad Laroui’s Une année chez les Français
    (Journal of North Afican, 2019-03) Frelier, Jocelyn A.
    This article examines Fouad Laroui’s 2010 novel, Une année chez les Français, and charts the protagonist’s development to argue that it offers a new model for Moroccan coming-of-age in a postcolonial context. While Une année is a Bildungsroman, it breaks away from patterns seen in the genre before it to illustrate the possibilities of creating ‘Third Spaces’ (Bhabha 1990). The protagonist, Mehdi, arrives at his moment of ‘apprentissage’ thanks to his pseudo-adoption by a French family and French boarding school, where he experiences what I have termed a pull-push sensation. I outline the sources and effects of the pull-push Mehdi perceives and then turn to argue that these experiences allow him to destabilise the relationship between the concepts of family and familiarity. It is through his newly found understanding that what is familiar is not always family and what is family does not always feel familiar that Mehdi is able to articulate the third space he desires for himself and come of age. While this article focuses on the experiences of a single, fictional character, Une année chez les Francais introduces readers with a framework for imagining the identity-formation of a multiplicity of individuals who have grown up at the intersection of postcolonial North Africa and continental France.
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    “Transformation Was Definitely Her Specialty": Teaching Representation with Roberta Fernandez's "Amanda."
    (Humanities Education and Research Association, 2014) Feu Lopez, Maria Montserrat
    This essay examines critical analysis of literature, collaborative dialogue, and reflective writing as pedagogical strategies successfully employed to teach the concept of representation. All were designed for students to draw connections among interdisciplinary sources: historical, literary and theoretical. Roberta Fernandez’s short story “Amanda” (2002), whose protagonist is believed to be a witch, was read in connection with Tillie Olsen’s poem “I Want You Women Up North to Know” (1934), and Alicia Gaspar de Alba’s novels Desert Blood (2005) and Calligraphy of the Witch (2012). The analysis of the literary texts helped students to understand the misrepresentation and underrepresentation of women in mainstream culture, as well as to value the historical legacies of working-class women as leaders and role models for their communities.
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    The US Hispanic Flapper: Pelonas and Flapperismo in US Spanish-Language Newspapers 1920-1929
    (American Humor Studies Association, 2015-07) Feu Lopez, Maria Montserrat
    Mexican exile journalist Julio Arce’s chronicles “Todo se arregla con money” (1924), “Cosas del Exhibition Day” (1924), and “La estenógrafa” (1925) are analyzed for their farcical portrayal of the 1920s Modern Girl, who symbolized immoral and consumerist modernity for Arce’s readers. The article considers the context of previously unstudied journalistic genres from the era’s leading U.S. Spanish-language newspapers, which display a range of comic forms that negatively represent the flapper’s appearance and lifestyle. Beyond derisive entertainment, humor is aimed at influencing readers’ opinions about U.S. Hispanic women’s gender and ethnic restrictions. The pelona was a popular topic in Spanish-language newspapers, and references to other entertainment industries from that era show that critical responses to flapperismo traveled across media, not only in the United States but also throughout the Americas.