Estes, Brent C.

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    The effects of elliptical cross training on VO2 max in recently trained runners
    (Western Kentucky University (International Journal of Exercise Science), 2011) Joubert, Dustin P.; Oden, Gary L.; Estes, Brent
    This study examined the effects of elliptical cross training on VO2max in recently trained runners. 12 female and 8 male participants (mean ± SD; age = 23.70 ±6.33 years, body mass index = 24.85 ± 5.89 kg/m2) completed an initial four-week run training program, exercising four days/week, 30 minutes/day, at 80% maximal heart rate. VO2max was predicted based on the duration of a Bruce graded-maximal treadmill test (GXT) prior to and after the run training. After initial training phase and post-test, subjects volunteered for the detrain group (n = 6) or were assigned to the run (n= 7) or elliptical (n= 7) based on a matched-pair design. Elliptical and run groups exercised three weeks under same prescription as initial program. GXT again performed after mode-specific training phase. VO2max (ml/kg/min) increased (p < 0.001) from the pre-training (39.89 ± 10.74) to post-training (41.66 ± 10.90) after the initial run training program. Although not statistically significant, VO2max declined(0.8% running, 1.5% elliptical, and 4.8% detraining) for all groups following the additional mode-specific program. Despite declines, repeated measures ANOVA showed no significant differences within or between groups before and after the mode-specific training phase. However, dependent sample t-test did reveal a decline (p < 0.05) in GXT time (minutes) for the detrain group from before (11.01 ± 2.80) and after (10.54 ± 2.72) their detrain phase. Future research should determine if elliptical exercise maintains VO2max when away from running for longer periods.
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    An Exploration of Esports Consumer Consumption Patterns, Fandom, and Motives
    (IGI Global (International Journal of eSports Research), 2021-01) Anderson, Devin; Sweeney, Kevin; Pasquini, Erica; Zapalac, Ryan; Estes, Brent
    Esports, or competitive gaming, has become a large market in the entertainment industry, with a total market value approaching $1 billion USD in 2019. An understanding of esports consumers has become increasingly important as the industry continues to grow and evolve. Using a sample of 374 university students at a large public university, this study examines the motivations and fandom of esports consumers using a modified version of the Sport Fandom Questionnaire (SFQ) and the Motivation Scale for Sports Consumption (MSSC). Survey respondents were asked about their consumption of esports in relation to viewership, event attendance, social media usage, and spending. Three stepwise regression analyses were employed to examine the predictive capabilities of esports fandom and esports motivations on esports consumption variables. The results reveal a wide variety of relationships between esports fandom, motivation for consumption, and consumption behaviors.